Austrian Adaptation

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Walk in Wien

Walking was something I only ever did to reach a destination, not an act in and of itself. There was always a goal to be reached, an object to achieve or somewhere else to be.

 Panorama of National Park

Not so in Austria. Here they walk for fun, for exercise, for the sheer joy of it......

River Wetlands

With landscape like this not 20 minutes outside of the city centre, I can"t really fault them!

Walking Track - fairytale much?I was feeling a little worse for wear on Sunday, due to a surprise party the evening before that ended in the trashiest of all places - Bettle Alm. But that"s another post. Suffice to say Sunday was a bit bleary, and despite my protestations we dragged ourselves outside to walk off the pain. Dammned if it didn't work too!IMG_0275Once I stopped looking for the "point of walking" I realised I was actually enjoying myself. And maybe, that's what I need to do a little bit more of these days - stop looking for the goal, the point, the ultimate aim, and start enjoying what"s right in front of me. The simple pleasure of walking, for no reason at all.Dead tree pose!One thing I have definitely noticed from the Austrian's, and am trying to add into my psyche is their joy of outside, their lack of definition by work. Everything in life here is built around your life outside of work, spending time with your family and enjoying your everyday life. Simple, effective. Look how much this lot are enjoying it! Er, you may have to do some extreme zooming....Swimming Island

Double points if you can spot the nudie rudie's....but I"ll be discussing that particular inclination next post!!

My new aim? Walk more, to enjoy what's happening around me here and now. So simple. So easy to forget.