How to Prepare for Moving Abroad - A 7 Day Planner to set you up for Success
What if moving to another country and starting your life from scratch could be stress-free? If you knew it was all going to be ok?
How to Prep for Life Abroad
In 2012, with no preparation whatsoever, no friends awaiting me, no knowledge of the German language, no job and worst of all no visa - I moved to Vienna, Austria, following my heart.It was the craziest and most wonderful choice I’ve ever made.It was also awful - full of loneliness, frustration and despair.During that first difficult period right after moving, I struggled with being alone all day while Stefan was working to support us both. I was spending days on the couch reading the entire internet.I had an identity crisis, questioning my skills and abilities to their very core - what use is a tour guide and travel agent who can't guide tours in her new home? I drove myself in circles until my insecurities piled on top of each other so heavily I was tied to the couch for days, numb with indecision.I tore myself to pieces trying to figure out who I really was, who I wanted to be in this strange new country where I couldn't express myself clearly, where my personality was dimmed by miscommunication. Sitting silently in cafes and pubs surrounded by people laughing was not my style.I was separated from my family, pulled apart by their resentment of my rash and wild decision, that meant I would be living half a planet away from all of them.
Moving abroad was a brutal rebuilding of my entire life and identity.
Since then, I’ve learnt a thing or two about creating a new life in a new country. But it didn’t come easy.
How to Prep for Life Abroad Austrian Adaptation
If I had my time again, there are a few things I would have prepped to make the adjustment much easier.
That’s exactly what the 7-day Planner to Prepare for Moving Abroad is going to do for you.
Most how-to articles on moving abroad will tell you about taxes, pensions, paperwork and be filled with really useful sentences like ‘oh p.s try picking up an entirely new language in the next 2 months before you get there’.This is not one of those articles.While all of that advice is very practical, those are not the pieces of advice I needed before moving overseas.I was worrying more about what to pack, how to make friends, how to find a job, and holy shit what if it all blows up in my face? (Hint: it won’t. Promise.)
There's a better way to prep yourself, before you wreck yourself!
There has to be another way to think about moving abroad. Covering the practicalities but also considering the mental shifts and challenges you’ll experience, how to deal with the emotional overload and potential stress of y’know, uprooting your entire existence.
Do you want to know what to do in your first 3 days in a new country?
Do you want to arrive to your new home armed with tips and experience from expats who’ve been-there-done-that?
Do you want to hear from expert travellers who have faced the same challenges you have and thrived?
Join us for the 7 Day Planner to Prepare for Moving Abroad - the easiest part of getting your shit together before taking the leap to live overseas
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What is it?
How to Prep for Life Abroad Austrian Adaptation
7 days of simple prompts and guidance to get you prepped for living in another country.You’ll join other current and soon-to-be travellers & expats as we decompress your stress levels, nail what’s actually necessary in your suitcase and share the truth of what happens when you land somewhere new to start your life from scratch.All the advice comes with actionable steps you can take - not just fluffy useless phrases.We've also included tips and advice from some of the best expat bloggers in the business - the folk who know what it's like to start from scratch and have built their lives anew in a foreign country.If I had my time again, I'd prefer to move overseas armed with experience and advice from people who have lived to tell the hilarious, heartbreaking truth about their struggles.Come join us and make your move just that little bit less scary, so you can thrive in your new home.
Our first intake starts June 12th - sign up now to be the first to know when the 7 Day Planner is live!
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