Austrian Adaptation

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Friday Distractions: 15 September, 2017

It's been a while between Friday Distractions, and seen as September is slipping away (and the sunny weather with it) it's high time we shared some good reads!Enjoy these articles as we slip into the weekend - what are your plans?

Having battled through my fair share of 'Sober October' and 'Dry July' where people consistently ask if you refuse a drink 'Oh, are you pregnant?' (NO! JUST NOT DRINKING THANKS FOR THE INVASIVELY PERSONAL QUESTION) this article really resonated. The truth behind why women drink.

It's true - the more you use Facebook, the shittier you feel.

Why Kim Kardashian is still Famous

Appalling, but unsurprising: Women Entrepreneurs Create Fake Male Founder to Dodge Sexism

September is normally de-cluttering time in our apartment. Here's some ace questions to ask when decluttering your life and just can't decide to throw away that..thing. Questions to Ask

I really gotta get to Vorarlberg already! Nature in Vorarlberg

What it's like to be Fat in France. Bloody awful from the sound of it - a fascinating read.

10 things no one tells you when you move across the world. Amen to all this!

Are you travelling, or collecting places? A big question in the age of the selfie and insta-worthy hotspots.


Kyrgyzstan was full of adventure, challenging experiences and oh my god so much incredible countryside. I didn't know what to expect but loved every damn minute we spent outdoors adventuring in the incredible steppes and horse filled pastures. TELL ME: Have you ever been to a country that completely surprised you?

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That said, um, Norway in Autumn, yes please!

One of my fave areas of Vienna. 16 reasons to love the 16th district. 

I've been unashamedly LOVING Ke$ha's new album. Ke$ha's battle cry. Go on, play 'Woman' and I defy you NOT to sing along!

I just devoured Torre De Roche's latest book on (get it here, bloody awesome, review soon!) but loved this article on celebrating endings. A life more Meaningful.

 And with that - lets celebrate the end of the week together. We're off for a birthday dinner at Huth then have a blissfully free weekend to de-clutter. The apartment, my photos hard drive and our brains as the grey weather seeps in. I hope you have an equally relaxing weekend planned!Psst Want to get our fortnightly newsletter with good reads from the web and real-time updates on local adventures in Austria? Subscribe here to join 5,000 followers and follow the adventure!

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