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Friday Distractions: June 24, 2016

It's mid-summer, the sun is scheduled to shine for the next two days straight and the weekend is winking at us. You ready for some Friday fun? 

We woke up this morning to the verdict of Brexit. I find it hard to believe that the UK will be leaving, and am worried for my EU friends with livelihoods in the UK. Some light relief before we received the terrible verdict - Das Bild had a brilliant last-minute attempt to win over the Brits in this hilarious article prior to the vote. Amongst the promised 'gifts' the Germans offered'We will willingly provide the Villian in every Bond film'. Whoever said Germans weren't funny....

Feels like the entire internet and world are saying 'WTF England?'. Britain Votes to Leave EU, Stunning Entire World.

While we are talking countries going in odd directions politically - I'm loving Trevor Norah's take down of Trump over on The Daily Show. This is your weekly snort-laugh-out-loud moment.

Adam has found us some of the coolest small cities in Europe to stoke your wanderlust. I'm so looking forward to finally making it to Ljubliana next month!

More travel inspiration: How to Find budget accommodation in Norway. I've been busting to get up to the Nordics and Silvia makes it seem entirely possible to travel there on the cheap.

I'm more of a snapchat kid than Instagram fiend these days (can't keep up the pretty perfection of Insta, messy fun Snapchat is more my speed!) but Gregor has rounded up a stunning collection of Vienna's best Instagrammers. Lots of photo porn to be enjoyed here.

Love will always find a way. Tinder Works in Antarctica.

But, Love Will Be the Death of Us too. Because, balance.

 If you’ve been peeping at my snapchat (follow @carlyhulls) you know I snuck off to Croatia this week for work (I know, I know… I’m an asshole, it’s not really ‘work’ to travel).Puja, CroatiaIt was so refreshing to realise that salt water and clear sea is just a short drive away from Vienna. Have you found the perfect beach getaway from Vienna? Let me know in the comments, and have a fantastic weekend!